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4 Communication Strategies to Strengthen Your Recruitment Efforts

Updated: Apr 10, 2022

Nearly 65% of the U.S. workforce is looking for a new job. Yet, nearly 480,000 jobs — or one in 13 positions — are predicted to go unfilled in 2022. With the “Great Reshuffle” expected to continue this year, there is more pressure on recruiters than ever before to find the right talent, and fast. We’re tackling four communication strategies that can help your organization win the recruiting race.

1. Build Brand Awareness

Brand awareness isn’t new. But targeted efforts to build brand awareness within your targeted talent pool is an art that many companies haven’t perfected. Companies need their own employer brand kit. One that tells the story of who it is, what it does, and why someone should want to be part of the team.

By developing a clear employee value proposition (EVP), as well as sample scripts for employees on how to leverage it, a company can quickly and effectively share its unique set of benefits that employees receive when partnering with an organization.

2. Be a Value First Partner

Companies look for job seekers that bring skillsets and value to their teams. Instead of waiting to see what prospects have to offer, companies can offer up their own helpful nuggets to jobseekers. By creating content and resources with career advice, top resume tips, and hiring manager insights, you are now sharing resources for talent.

Over 40% of companies say that entry-level positions are the hardest to fill. By creating career tips and helping this critical demographic launch their careers, your company can show its commitment and investment into the talent pool before day one.

3. Lead With Empathy

For the first year of the pandemic, all employers said the same thing, “we are in this together.” Never have we seen the walls between personal and professional broken down so vastly. Yet, companies have been quick to “return to normal” and are leaving this critical differentiator behind.

Companies are made up of people. A company hires an entire person — not just the 9 to 5 person. What matters most to your company? Do your values, mission, and vision truly bring this to life?

People want to know what companies value. 46% of job seekers say that culture is very important to them when choosing where to apply. By leading with your corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts and examples of how your company lives its mission every day, you can attract talent before ever having a conversation with them. The companies that are winning are the ones that not only understand what matters most to today’s workforce but are living it.

4. Paint the Picture

Have you ever read a job description and had no idea what the actual job would entail? Maybe you’ve even written that job description. Compelling job descriptions bring clarity to responsibilities included, including the value of the role to the organization, and the team interactions.

Job seekers want to not only understand today’s opportunity but also the future opportunity within an organization. Over 94% of employees said they would have stayed at their company longer if it had invested in their careers. How is your organization investing in staff and leveraging this as an asset in the recruitment process?

The Great Reshuffle. The Great Resignation. People are on the move. How are you making sure that they are moving into your company? When you can lead with clarity, consistency, and empathy your recruitment efforts are more likely to win the race to recruit top talent.

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